On the occasion of the launch of our Online Collection, we wanted to talk about who we are.
How difficult it is to talk about oneself, or about such a personal project. Where do we start? What do we want to say? To whom? How?
The truth is that all paths led us to the same conclusion, and that is that our shoes are designed to accompany us in the reality of everyday life.
We need shoes designed to accompany us in those daily battles because we are real women, with our lives and stories to tell.
That's how we found it interesting to show this, our essence.
We ran, picked up the phone and got in touch with seven friends, who knew about the project from the beginning, and the idea we had in mind.
(Although for some of them the embarrassment in front of the camera meant more than one headache!), the wonder was that they didn't hesitate for a second to say yes.
They are seven women with very different profiles, overwhelming personalities and disparate concerns, Ana Berenguer, Ana Guardiola, Desiree, Elena, Erica, Laura and Luisa, but they all have the same common thread: their day-to-day lives.
Hard-working women, fighters and non-conformists who provide answers to four questions.
Their honesty and spontaneity are what help us to explain who we are.
Their naturalness makes us empathise with them and feel very identified with their stories.
And that is Bryan Stepwise: reality.
Seven are the women and seven are the models with whom we begin this new online autumn-winter 2018 collection.
Each one of them is wearing one of these designs: Aria, Monaco, Olivia, Sweden, Universa, Ursula and Vironica, which you can see and buy here.
We invite you to take a look at their interviews on our Instagram profile.
We keep walking together!